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Healthy Soul

You may aim to have a healthy mind, healthy body, healthy relationships, healthy finances through success but do you have a healthy spirit and soul?

Sometimes we concentrate so hard on perfecting the body, mind and finances but forget about our soul – our spirit, our being, our character. Our spirit and soul is the magical connection to the universe - what is going to be remembered after our body leaves the earth. We are all souls having a human earthly experience.

Your soul is who you really are deep down below your mask without job titles or achievements. There is an eternal and divine sense of freedom, joy, satisfaction, empowerment and inner peace when you are connected to your spirit and soul. You love and accept yourself deeper, even when things aren’t going perfectly to plan you find strength and energy to survive. I am a woman of faith in God and here are my 8 top tips to get you in touch with your soul:

1. Write down your inner thoughts and dreams
Explore your inner child, your adult self and the future you.

2. Spend time with nature
Go for walks and appreciate the world around you - look at the stars, look at the sunset - re-evaluate your priorities in your life.

3. Get to know yourself better
Explore different cultures and listen to your mind, heart, body and intuition more.

4. Be mindful - pray and meditate
Take time out for yourself and stop going through all your to-do lists - pray, meditate, focus and be more mindful. My days are better when I talk to God first.

5. Travel more
Let your inner world explore the outer world more, be adventurous and grateful.

6. Help others
Be generous and show love - have a heart and let yourself get that feel-good feeling seeing others smile.

7. Do something you really love
Dance more, read more, cook a new dish, write a daily journal, take up a new sport or join a creative writing class.

8. Stop playing the victim
Become the survivor with an amazing story of change and happiness - turn your victim journey into an inspirational uplifting hero's journey.

“The most powerful source on earth is the human soul on fire - be a beautiful soul that people crave your vibes”

We need to embrace the world around us and find the right energy sources to guide our life. We need to connect to each other and we need to see each other as brothers and sisters rather than be competitive and working against each other.

There has never been and never will be another you. You have a purpose, a very special gift that only you can bring to the world.” ~Marie Forleo
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