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Elite Living

Healthy Mind

Having a healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body. When you increase your self-love, which is improving a relationship with yourself first - then you flourish more, you value yourself more, you interact with people better and you seek quality healthy relationships in your life.


Do you have bad habits of negative thinking? Do you have low confidence? Do you have deep fears? Do you have stress or anxiety? Do you experience PTSD? Do you have low energy? Are you dissatisfied with life? Do you have negative self-talk and limiting beliefs that hold you back?

We can help you to work through solutions to your issues and challenges, giving you the tools to support life decisions and transitions in your life – such as a career move, retirement, moving home, trauma, abuse, loss of a job, loneliness, separation, divorce, bereavement, addictions, health problems or illness. Understand that mental illness can all lead to a change in your happiness levels.

Poor mental health can lead to anxiety, depression, stress and at worst cases lead to self-harm, suicide or suicidal thoughts. Our life coaching supports you with these everyday challenges and transitions, giving you the right guidance, tools and support to live a happier life. How would you like to live with deeper love, happiness, purpose, success and abundance? Start mindful living with me today to address you inner and outer conflicts building peace and well-being.

ACTION FOR YOU: Learn to become more mindful, have a positive and healthy mind with good mental health. Understand the mind, learn how to become a better person; learn how to change your thoughts, your behaviours, your actions and your happy state. Beware of self-talk, build your self-belief, recognise if you have a mental illness, become more self-aware of yourself and your habits, understand your change of moods and feelings, understand depression, importance of forgiveness, secrets of motivated people, how to set goals, understand how powerful asking for help is, understand how your values shape you, leave behind being a perfectionist, build confidence, communication better, build a good self-image, build wisdom, how to journal, talk about your dreams and fears, seek self-help and practice mental detoxing.
  • BOOK Your 1-1 Discovery Session £60

    BOOK Your 1-1 Discovery Session £60

    50 Minute coaching session to explore an area of your life you need support in, find out your biggest challenges and frustrations. It will empower you with the right guidance and tools to address a priority area of your life that needs attention.

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  • Book Your 1-1 Coaching Session £100

    Book Your 1-1 Coaching Session £100

    90 mins coaching session: Elite Living Plan and Assessment used to discover extensively areas of your life you want to change - guidance and discussion on support needed for change helping you to make the right choices, goals and guide your right path for your bright future.

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  • View our Elite Living Programs

    View our Elite Living Programs

    Finding ME AGAIN £500: Move From Victim to Inspirator - Addressing negative thinking, self- sabotage, self-destruction, limiting beliefs, depression, mindfulness, life challenges, bereavement, building self-esteem/self-image with new coping tools and skills.

    MY MIND FITNESS Programme £1,000: A brilliant foundation for a healthy mindset - Addressing, Anger Management, Fear Effective Communication, Bad Habits and Anxiety. Recognise mind fitness and is key to success in all areas of life so get ready to find out my top secrets and lessons for healthy thinking. It's a shame to grow old never finding out the right way to think, act and communicate.

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